Philosophy and

Lower School Philosophy and Programs

我们的低年级理念和课程都是精心设计的,以加强语言方面的弱点,并鼓励个人优势. Our approach includes laying a strong language foundation, while nurturing each student’s creativity and imagination.

During the Lower School years, topics are introduced sequentially, solidifying core skills and concepts. This is a critical period where learning builds on learning, and when children gain new knowledge by adding to what they already know.

While Cambridge School has multi-age classrooms, 我们遵循传统小学的核心课程,包括数学、科学、体育和艺术等学科. Information regarding the programs and approaches we use can be found below.

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  • Mathematics

    The Lower School Math program provides students with a broad, 概念驱动的课程,旨在为学生提供一个成功的数学未来所必需的基础. 学生通过实践活动和直接指导来建立他们的知识基础. Computation, number theory, fractions, geometry as well as problem-solving skills are stressed throughout all levels. Furthermore, 现实生活中的数学主题,如报时和理解货币价值,都是基于每年的基础上建立和审查的.

    • Dimensions Math® from Singapore Math 是一种高效、多感官、结构化的数学教学方法吗. 这种方法侧重于通过有意的技能排序和具体的概念掌握, pictorial, 抽象的方法,以有形的方式引入概念,并逐渐变得更加抽象. 学生的元认知能力得到加强,因为他们被教导“思考他们的思考”,,当他们学会如何有效地分享这种想法时,他们的沟通技巧就会提高. 学生利用已有的知识来巩固新的学习,并在各种数学概念之间建立联系. Dimensions Math®教授技巧和技能,以培养学生的数字感, mental math abilities, and flexibility in thinking about numbers. Problem solving is also highly emphasized, 学生们学习如何将文字问题转化为视觉表现,以便成功地解决它们. The ultimate goal is to help students become successful, confident, resourceful mathematical thinkers.
    • Making Math Real™ 一个多感官,动手和结构化的课程是为所有学习风格的学生设计的吗. 这种方法整合了在数学上取得成功所必需的关键认知发展. Essential brain tools for math, such as symbol imaging, detail analysis and sequential processing, 是通过有趣和吸引人的课程,引导学生从幼儿园到代数发展起来的吗.
    • On Cloud Nine® 使用“可视化和语言化”发展三个基本过程来建立数学技能:具体经验, imagery, and computation. The purpose of the program is to help students think with numbers, image relationships, and do mental and written computation. Multi-sensory tools include base 10 blocks, number lines, and imaging cards. Air-writing is used to engage the kinesthetic sense and build visual imagery.
    • TINS (Thought, Information, Number Sentence, Solution) Method 是为了帮助学生分解文字问题并准确地解决它们而设计的. Students are taught to identify keywords and nonessential words, 把问题形象化,理解“数学语言”,这样他们在解决问题时就能选择合适的运算.
  • Social Studies

    In the Lower School, 学生们从家庭和家庭的研究开始探索他们周围的世界, moving through people and communities, and culminating with a study of the regions of our country. Hands-on projects are fundamental, with field trips being an essential component of the learning process. 理解能力和语言技能的整合是社会研究的核心. Teaching students map skills, geography, and timeline concepts are important elements of this content area. In addition, the ability to recognize cause and effect, to draw valid conclusions, to categorize, 比较和对比是批判性思维的技巧,也是被引入和教授的.

  • Science

    低年级科学课程向学生介绍生命科学、物理科学和地球科学. 学生们仔细地学习观察周围的事件和世界,并就他们的观察提出问题,这些问题可以通过调查来回答. 实验模块集成在整个科学课程中,以支持动手学习. 实地考察为学生提供了额外的实际经验和机会,以进一步参与他们的学习. All students also take part in the annual Science Fair. 这个活动让学生有机会运用他们在课堂上学到的知识,用科学的方法解决一个科学问题.

  • Idiom Instruction

    Idiom instruction is exposure to the language of inferences, sayings, and idioms, 这些概念有时候很难理解,因为不同的学生在思考时可能会非常拘泥于字面意思. 整个学校社区都在接受“每周成语”的指导,这是一种有趣的方式,可以丰富学生的语言,帮助他们从具体的思维转向更抽象的思维. 接触推理、谚语和习语也有助于提高阅读理解能力.

  • Storytelling

    讲故事是低年级课程的一个组成部分,被整合到所有学科领域. Storytelling creates a bridge between written and oral language, and improves listening, reading comprehension, and literacy skills. Storytelling arts builds self-esteem, exposes students to cultures through multicultural folklore, provides problem-solving techniques for conflict resolution, teaches students how to relate effectively and empathetically to others, and inspires a love of learning and literature.

  • Performing Arts


    音乐是每个孩子教育的重要组成部分,所有十大老品牌网赌网址大全的学生都通过美术课程参与音乐学习. Cambridge School’s music program is performance based. 该节目通过声乐和器乐以及戏剧直接与学校庆祝活动联系在一起. A winter concert, an annual all-school musical, 而年终演出只是我们分享学生音乐成就的几种方式. Songs are oriented toward the seasons, holidays, and school projects. It is our goal to develop students’ musical skills including vocal production, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo, note reading, and harmony through the medium of rehearsal. Many different musical styles, genres, and cultures are represented in teacher-led listening activities. The music program is integrated with the classroom curriculum. Opportunities to enhance team work, cooperation, community, 自尊是通过这些大型团体合作来培养的,学生们通过合作来实现共同的音乐目标.


    Drama has many beneficial applications in the classroom. Research shows that drama increases creativity, originality, sensitivity, fluency, flexibility, emotional stability, cooperation, and examination of moral attitudes, while developing communication skills and an appreciation of literature. Drama accommodates students with different learning styles by providing visual, auditory, 以及动觉方法,教授批判性思维技能,并与文学进行审美体验. In addition, 在课堂上对戏剧的研究发现戏剧可以提高阅读理解能力, persuasive writing skills, self-esteem, and positive attitudes towards others. 戏剧也为安全的表达和想象力的运用提供了一个平台.

  • Visual Arts

    剑桥学院艺术课程的目标是激发创造性思维,并鼓励学生将艺术作为一种有效而有意义的交流形式. 不同学习方式的学生往往表现出很强的视觉艺术天赋. Therefore, 我们努力通过创造性地解决问题和艺术实验来挑战学生, and to inspire them with a lifelong curiosity and urge to create. 通过在各种媒体中培养技能,学生培养对创造性表达的信心. 学生使用适合他们能力和技能水平的工具,以发展满足个人艺术表达所需的操作技能. Elements of design are introduced: line, shape, color, texture, space, and light, as well as the principles of design: pattern, rhythm, balance, contrast, emphasis, and unity. 学生们通过以主题为基础的综合课程,在艺术和周围的世界之间架起桥梁. For example, 学生们设计和创造在全校音乐剧制作中使用的背景布景和舞台道具. Often projects connect art concepts to language, math, and social studies. 项目旨在为学生提供创造性安全的结构,同时为自我发现提供足够的自由. 学生们通过体验来自当代和过去文化的各种艺术作品,扩大了他们的视野,并在视觉上受到启发. Also, 学生通过参观博物馆/画廊与艺术界建立联系, field trips, visiting artists, and the annual Student Art Show.

  • Digital Discoveries

    本课程提供计算机技能和驱动技术的基础科学的直接指导. 学生通过参与动态体验来培养他们对技术运作的了解,从而培养他们的数字素养, while acquiring critical 21st century skills—including collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving. Components of the series include: computer coding, digital design, concepts of architecture and engineering, app development, and graphic design.

  • Physical Education

    十大老品牌网赌网址大全体育教育项目的开发和实施是为了在认识需求的同时,通过选定的运动体验提供成长的机会, abilities, and interests of each child. Teachers allow each child to strive toward fulfilling his/her potential. 重点是自我提升和思考和理解技能和策略的能力. 目标是发展和提高运动技能,以及社会交往能力. Focus is on movement education, development of basic locomotion skills, body awareness, and ball handling skills. Emphasis is placed on listening, following directions, and cooperation. 我们的目的是通过积极参与课堂活动,提高每个学生的身体健康水平,提升学生的自我形象. As students progress through the curriculum, 组织各种活动以持续改善手、眼和知觉/运动协调. 活动的目的是加强已教授的技能,同时考虑到学生目前的发展问题. Activities are presented in a sequential manner; each learned skill is a foundation for more refined movements. Activities include cooperative games, softball, badminton, tennis, lacrosse, basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, baseball, and hockey. In addition, students participate in an annual fundraiser called Hoops for Heart, which ties into our community service program.


    在冬季学期,所有学生的体育课程中都有健康课程. 健康课程旨在解决与学生的社会环境有关的健康问题, 为他们提供技能和经验,为他们将遇到的挑战和机遇做好准备.

  • Movement Based Learning

    Many mornings at Cambridge School begin with movement-based learning exercises. The movements are designed to support a child as they discover reading, handwriting, spelling, or mathematical computation. 这些自然的动作通过处理与新思想整合有关的感觉元素来增强学习,它们有助于促进大脑内信息的流动, restoring students’ innate ability to learn and function at top efficiency.

  • Instrumental Music

    器乐向学生介绍音乐的两个主要元素:节奏和音高通过手铃和录音机的指导. Instruction is provided by our Instrumental Music Instructor, Mr. Ray Nugent. Mr. 纽金特是威斯敏斯特音乐学院的成员,拥有钢琴教学和演奏艺术硕士学位. Proper finger position, embouchure (position of the instrument relative to the mouth), 吹技术演示和加强通过直接指导, modeling, and practice. 学生们用奥尔夫和柯达利的方法学习符号和不同的音符值. 通过各种练习、呼应、阅读和即兴创作来强化概念. 学生们每年在节日音乐会和年终典礼上表演两次.

  • Howell Living History Farm

    Students involved in this program take multiple field trips to Howell Living History Farm over the course of the year. 该项目为学生提供了许多学习农业的机会, farm animals, and life on the farm from 1890-1910. Each visit focuses on a specific aspect of farming such as wheat harvesting, corn planting, ice harvesting, maple syrup tapping, and sheep shearing. 旋转站,提供几个动手和实际的经验,从现场, to the granary, to the kitchen, directly involve students in their learning. 合作学习是指学生们为了达到一个共同的目标而共同努力. 概念被不断地重新审视和加强,之前的知识建立在每次访问农场的基础上. Back at school, 学生们参加阅读和写作课程,这些课程与他们在农场的经历有关.

  • Farm to School

    Cambridge School, under the direction of Master Gardener, Denise Dunne, planned, created and regularly tend to  two (2) organic gardens. 

    学校花园有助于将教室扩展到传统环境之外. 园艺为学生提供了动手学习的机会,同时提高了环保意识和解决问题的重要经验. In our school gardens, children are learning  more than just growing plants.

    School gardens build important life-long social skills and teach responsibility, communication, teamwork, ownership, and leadership. Gardens also foster a sense of community, bringing parents, teachers, students, and community members together.

    School gardens are a wonderful way to use the schoolyard as a classroom, reconnect students with the natural world and the true source of their food, 教他们有价值的园艺和农业概念和技能,与几个学科相结合, such as math, science, art, health and physical education, and others. 


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